Wednesday, January 3, 2018

1-877-820-9242 Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

Finding the Best Pet Insurance Company - Two Categories to Consider
By []Sherry L Harris 

Finding the best pet insurance company to insure your beloved family pet can be a challenge. Similar to the process of buying a new car, it can seem like there is a bewildering array of choices. Do you want full coverage, or simply accident and critical care? Do you need a low deductible or lower monthly payments? Do you need medical coverage for the dog, or renter's insurance to cover your apartment in case of damage? Will you need a kennel care provision? Do you want extra coverage to protect the investment in a pedigree pet? The questions are seemingly endless. A good way to approach the insurance shopping is to divide the task into separate, but related categories.

Category 1 is where you determine your pet's medical history, breed related dispositions, lifestyle and the location he spends most of his time. Be honest about these assessments, if a pet insurance company determines that you have lied on an application they are not obligated to cover the pet. For example, if you declare that your cat is an indoor cat and he gets injured going through the cat flap to the back yard (where he spends most of his days) the insurance company is not obligated to pay any portion of the vet bill to stitch Fluffy up. As in all other aspects of life, honesty is the best policy.

Category 2 is where you investigate the various offerings of the pet insurance companies. Here you are attempting to match the policy that best meets your needs with you animal's medical history and lifestyle. What you want in any case is the best possible policy that your money can buy. This task is easier than it sounds. A reputable pet insurance company will clearly list all exclusions, pay out limits and deductibles on their policy information. If you cannot access this information, move on. There are so many companies to choose from that it makes no sense to waste time with a company that doesn't make basic information available to you.

When you are shopping for a new car you look past the cosmetic, (color, accessories and so on) and check out the engine and drive train first. You should take the same approach when you are looking for a pet insurance company. Ignore the cute pictures of puppies and kitties on the literature. Look past the confidence-inspiring names for the policies and examine the nitty-gritty of the policy's coverage.

Sherry Harris is the author of a wide range of dog topics including, but not limited to: dog insurance, puppy training, dog grooming, pet travel, dog training and much more. Your dog means the world to you, and that is why you need to make sure you have pet insurance. Dog insurance offers you a way to budget your vet's bill. Hope you enjoyed the article topic Pet Insurance Company []. For hundreds of free dog articles and to find out more information on dog insurance visit [] today.

Article Source: [] Finding the Best Pet Insurance Company - Two Categories to Consider

Choosing A Veterinary Pet Insurance Company
By []Craig Thornburrow 

At a time when health insurance coverage is the number one debate, there is another type of insurance which has not been discussed. Are you a pet owner? If you are, undoubtedly you are just as concerned about your pet's wellbeing. In this regard, have you considered purchasing coverage through a veterinary pet insurance company?

Just like human beings, pets and all other animals are not resistant to illnesses or accidents. The cost of veterinary care for pet can be costly, as you know. Additionally, it can cause a family hardship if they are unable to pay for the cost of an operation or emergency assistance. 

While every owner loves their pets, there are those who do not feel it necessary to purchase insurance for them. However, before buying any pet care insurance, you should research different pet insurance policies that are being offered by the pet insurance companies in the market. Do not settle on the cheapest price. Different insurance providers have different types of coverage, and it you should determine the best and affordable one for your pet.

Whichever veterinarian pet insurance company you choose, they will recommend taking early preventive action to ensure a long and healthy life for your pet. New puppies and kittens should be examined within 48 hours of bringing the new pet home. It is important your pet receives all of the vaccinations, health screenings and routine care that your veterinarian recommends. Be sure you understand your pet's vaccination protocol before leaving your first veterinarian visit.

In most scenarios, the veterinarian will ask you to return for the pet to receive additional booster vaccines in only three to four weeks. Preventive care, such as annual vaccinations and boosters, is critical to the long-term health of a pet, so be sure to include these annual preventive care expenses in your family's budget.  Another important health matter for pet owners is the animal's diet; pet health experts frown on feeding pets table scraps. Human food can cause your pet to develop gastrointestinal problems and may lead to other problems. The cost to treat your pet can run into hundreds of dollars. 

Of you are a pet owner who is looking for methods to lessen the burden of veterinary costs related to preventive care and the unexpected injuries and illnesses associated with a new pet, it is highly recommended that you enroll a new dog, cat, bird or exotic pet into a veterinary pet insurance company plan. 

Most veterinary insurance company plans reimburse you for the testing and treatment associated with conditions related to accidents and illnesses; cuts to cancer are typically eligible for coverage. In addition, you also can add on an option for routine procedures such as the aforementioned vaccinations, spaying and neutering, teeth cleanings and more. Monthly insurance premiums are often less than a cable television bill. Keep your pets safe and use preventative measures to ensure they remain healthy as well.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on pet insurance and pet healthcare insurance [] at []

Article Source: [] Choosing A Veterinary Pet Insurance Company

Comparing Pet Insurance Companies
By []Jennifer Lynn Hanson 

If you're anything like me, your pet is like part of your family. We own birds, cats, dogs, two gerbils and a fat, lazy rabbit that sleeps 23 hours a day. My husband and children think of each of them as family members. Therefore, we provide them with the best medical attention possible. Luckily, we have great pet insurance plans for all of them. When we were first searching for pet insurance companies to buy a policy from, we weren't sure exactly what to look for. After a lot of research and fact finding, we were able to choose companies that fit our pets well. Below is some advice for those who are searching for pet insurance and want to know how to compare the different companies.

1) What type of pet are you insuring? Different companies that offer pet health insurance specialize in certain types of animals. Find out what the company's specialty is and consider the company, only if it specializes in the right type of coverage for your pet.

2) How many practicing vets are included in the plan in your area? There is no sense in buying a pet insurance plan that doesn't have a sufficient list of vets in your area. Make sure that the company you go with has at least two participating vets in a close distance. One should do surgeries, the other should provide emergency services.

3) Are there age restrictions? Don't waste your time reviewing companies that have age restrictions on the pets they insure. Even if your pet falls within their guidelines, you don't want to have to search for a new plan as your pet gets older.

Coverage for your pet doesn't have to be expensive. For help in finding the lowest rates and the best coverage options, visit Pet Insurance Discounts [].

Article Source: [] Comparing Pet Insurance Companies

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?
By []Alice Flowers 

The answer to this question is not an easy one. Pet insurance, like most insurance, have many variables that could make the price higher or lower.
Here is a list of the most important factors that affect the price of pet insurance premiums:
The company itself: The company you choose is definitely a factor in the price of your premiums. As with everything else, whether it's a hamburger or an airline ticket, the company you choose will be a determining factor on the price of premiums.
The type of animal:  Cats are generally cheaper to insure due to several reasons. Cats are usually kept indoors so they are less likely to get into accidents. They are also less prone to disease and they seem to stay out of trouble better than dogs. Dogs, on the other hand, are more likely to ingest a foreign object or to get hit by a car because they ran after something on the street.
Breed:  Certain breeds are more prone to diseases than others. In fact there is a pet insurance company that will only provide accident insurance (no illness) for Chinese Shar-pei and Shar-pei cross-breeds. Insuring a Saint Bernard might be more costly than insuring a golden retriever.
Age:  The older your pet, the higher the premiums. This doesn't mean that pet insurance is not available for senior pets; in fact, many companies will still enroll your pet even if she is older than 8 years. This is why it pays to do a little research before jumping into pet insurance.
Location:  The cost you pet insurance premiums are also affected by where you live. All companies require a zip code before you can get a quote and will even exclude certain states.
Coverage and deductible:  The amount of coverage and the size of the deductible will play a part on the total cost of your premiums.
Visit [] for more information on pet insurance. Compare plans and get quotes.

Alice Flowers is a free lance writer and she calls herself a real "foodie" and has a love of animals.

Visit her website

Article Source: [] How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Pet Insurance Plans.  All Rights Reserved.

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